
Ben Lonetree holds several degrees in the fields of Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications and Data Acquisition. Licensed by the Federal Communications Commission in 1978 he has worked in the Communication Industry for more than two decades. Upon his move to the Southwest, he now devotes time to the study of naturally occurring Electromagnetic Energies and how they interact with the Human Biophysical Mechanism.

Iona Miller is a nonfiction writer for the academic and popular press, clinical hypnotherapist (ACHE) and multimedia artist. Her work is an omni-sensory fusion of intelligence, science-art, new physics, symbolism, source mysticism, futuring, and emergent paradigm shift, creating a unique viewpoint. She is interested in extraordinary human potential and experience, and the EFFECTS of doctrines of religion, science, psychology, and the arts. She serves on the Advisory Boards of Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, DNA Decipher Journal, and Scientific God Journal, as well as the Board of Directors of Medigrace, Inc. & Calm Birth; a Miami-based Integral Medicine institute; and the Editorial Board of CRAFT (Community Resilience through Action for Future Transitions).
Ms. Miller is published by Phanes Press, Destiny Books (Inner Traditions), Autonomedia, Nexus Magazine, Paranoia Magazine, Alchemy Journal, Green Egg, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Jungian Analysis Journal (Moscow), DNA Decipher Journal (DNADJ), Scientific God Journal (SGJ), Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research (JCER), Journal of Nonlocality & Remote Mental Interactions (JNLRMI), Science-Art Research Center Australia (SARCA), Dream Network, Chaosophy Journal, OAK-Publishing, PM&E, DNA Monthly, Antibothis, Pop Occulture, and more.
Ms. Miller coordinates Media & Wellness in the Operations Division of The Osborne Group (TOG), a risk management organization. Over the last 10 years she also managed the ad hoc projects of Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU) alumni from 3 decades, in intelligence, spyence, new physics, paranormal, creativity, consciousness studies, DNA research, superlearning, DIY mind control, biophysics, and other frontier science and blue sky experimentation. This work continues in a variety of forms and outlets. She also oversees numerous curatorial, archival and genealogical projects. She has served in a professional capacity at Southern Oregon Hypnotherapy, Asklepia Foundation, Institute for Applied Consciousness Science, the Wisdom Center, Science-Art-USA, and Life Energies Research Institute. In 2015 she was awarded the SARCA medal for excellence in Creative Physics, science-art, and creativity in the arts and sciences. [email protected]
Ms. Miller is published by Phanes Press, Destiny Books (Inner Traditions), Autonomedia, Nexus Magazine, Paranoia Magazine, Alchemy Journal, Green Egg, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Jungian Analysis Journal (Moscow), DNA Decipher Journal (DNADJ), Scientific God Journal (SGJ), Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research (JCER), Journal of Nonlocality & Remote Mental Interactions (JNLRMI), Science-Art Research Center Australia (SARCA), Dream Network, Chaosophy Journal, OAK-Publishing, PM&E, DNA Monthly, Antibothis, Pop Occulture, and more.
Ms. Miller coordinates Media & Wellness in the Operations Division of The Osborne Group (TOG), a risk management organization. Over the last 10 years she also managed the ad hoc projects of Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU) alumni from 3 decades, in intelligence, spyence, new physics, paranormal, creativity, consciousness studies, DNA research, superlearning, DIY mind control, biophysics, and other frontier science and blue sky experimentation. This work continues in a variety of forms and outlets. She also oversees numerous curatorial, archival and genealogical projects. She has served in a professional capacity at Southern Oregon Hypnotherapy, Asklepia Foundation, Institute for Applied Consciousness Science, the Wisdom Center, Science-Art-USA, and Life Energies Research Institute. In 2015 she was awarded the SARCA medal for excellence in Creative Physics, science-art, and creativity in the arts and sciences. [email protected]