Galactic Core Waves
Galactic Storms
26,000 Year Cycle Matches Precession
12-13,000 Year Cycles
Cosmic Ray intensity can peak for as long as 5000 years, with 12-15 peaks per cycle.
Galactic Superwave Hypothesis and Periodicity.
Is it overdue? Some say yes, but it could be 400 years or more.
We just don't know. But we are in a "danger" period.
Superwaves make the Sun more active and create dust that encourages planetary hothouses.
12-13,000 Year Cycles
Cosmic Ray intensity can peak for as long as 5000 years, with 12-15 peaks per cycle.
Galactic Superwave Hypothesis and Periodicity.
Is it overdue? Some say yes, but it could be 400 years or more.
We just don't know. But we are in a "danger" period.
Superwaves make the Sun more active and create dust that encourages planetary hothouses.
- We are in a "stable" in-between phase of dustclouds around our solar system.
- Superwaves vaporize ice around the solar system.
- Dust and water vapor gas is pushed toward Sun.
- Compressing the Solar wave sheath makes a denser sheath around the Sun.
- Ripple Effects perturb the Solar System and climate, creating and ending Ice Ages.
- Energetic particles and nebular material can amp up the Sun (T-Tauri) & penetrate Earth's Shields.
- It creates similar phenomena to EMP burst frying electronics; longer events effect climate.
- Even Gamma Ray Bursts from supernovae effect communications.
- Preceded by Gravity Waves & Seismic Events.
- Outbursts cause spiraling propelling Galaxies and cosmic wave debris.
- Subquantum Kinetics: continuous creation of matter and energy from the Vacuum.
- Galactic core outbursts are from core object, not necessarily a Black Hole.
- Shells of cosmic rays effect stars, making some go supernova.
- Magnetic poleshift results from a ring current initiated by a CME that cancels Earth's magnetic field.
- There is evidence for past events: elevated amounts of cosmic dust.
- High iridium cosmic dust pushed into the solar system, found in ice cores.
Core Wave, Sept. 30, 2012
Gamma Ray Burst / Charged Particles
Gamma Ray Burst / Charged Particles
GALACTIC CORE: Events and energy from the center of our galaxy also effect the sun
which in turn effects us as it did today. ALL connected.
which in turn effects us as it did today. ALL connected.
G3 CME arriving; October 1, 2012