by Iona Miller
by Iona Miller

Human Microvibrations and
Magnetospheric Micropulsations in Plasmas
By Iona Miller, 1/2005
Hypothesis: human microvibrations are transduced from, analogous to and/or resonantly entrained to micropulsations in the common plasma medium. Bioelectronic processes may be treated as a plasma state within the solid state of organic compounds. Biophysicist Popp showed that cellular condition is related to electromagnetic emissions.
Significantly, low-frequency biological rhythms display correlations with the geophysical environment. Rohracher (1950s) of Vienna described the phenomenon of microvibrations, oscillations in the frequency range of 7 to 13 Hz that can be observed on the surface of the body during complete muscle relaxation. Microvibrations are cardioballistic or heart-driven phenomena likely related to the cranial pump and electrical activity of the hippocampus at 7.8 Hz.
Low frequency oscillations in the Earth’s magnetosphere are called magnetic micropulsation (ULF waves). 7.83 Hz is Schumann’s Resonance (SR); Earth’s electromagnetic heartbeat is 10 Hz. Alpha brainwaves are 7 to 12 Hz. Healers and meditators exhibit nearly identical EEG signatures during their healing moments: a 7.8-8 Hz brainwave activity, which lasts from one to several seconds and is phase and frequency-synchronized with the earth's geoelectric micropulsations.
“Some researchers have measured electromagnetic (EM) signals emanating from the hands of healers which are within the same frequency range as human brain waves. There are some indications that a correlation exists between atmospheric oscillations, brain waves, and biological EM emissions.” ~ Dr. Leanne Roffey Line
Czech electrical technician and biotherapist, Jaroslav Novak accidently found a measurable relationship between Schumann Resonance (SR) and a biological parameter (BP) when his monitor went off with no subject attached. Though further research needs to be done, “Jarda” is confident that this strongly suggests that SR and ELF EM fields do have a provable and valuable influence on living organisms. SR changes over correlated circadian rhythms and other cycles of time (light/dark, hormonal and sleep cycles, seasonal, gravitational and subtle geophysical effects, etc.).
Novak keeps his biological parameter confidential while developing an inexpensive home monitoring system. The BP is a weak signal that requires 100.000 amplification but demonstrates biological changes in confluence with changes in SR through field effects ~ standing field line, wave-guide and resonant cavity oscillators. But many biological signals can provide useful feedback.
A good model for this project is the Heartmath Institute , which uses heart monitoring via a simple software and a home program for stress management and personal growth. The classic “armchair” work on the relationship among heart-driven rhythms, psychophysical states and geophysical rhythms is Itzhak Bentov’s STALKING THE WILD PENDULUM (1977, Bantam).
The heart is our own pulsing center as the sun is that of the solar system. In The Heart’s Code, Paul Pearsall, PhD (1998) points out that “simple physics tells us that energy and information leave the body and go out into space. It reaches our loved ones and our pets and plants, it extends to the sky, and, yes, logically, the electromagnetic field expands into the “vacuum” of space at the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second. Though the signal strength will obviously be very tiny, each second after our heart beats our individual heart’s code has expanded and travelled 186,000 miles into space, through space forever.” (p. xi-xii) In this sense, perhaps we are immortal. However, waves from space also impinge upon us.
“As Above, So Below;
EM waves are our primary means of knowing and viewing the universe. We are integral products of our environment, an embedded lattice of pulsating, vibrating energy. What happens in the solar system, our electromagnetic environment, and at our cellular level are all intimately related. The classic Hermetic axiom, “As above; So below” reiterates the nonlinear fractal unfoldment of self-similar organization at different scales of magnitude, from cosmic to subatomic.
This metaphysical notion suggests analogies or intuitive correlations of macroscopic, meso-, and microscopic processes or dynamics. With that in mind, we can examine the micropulsations of the earth and its atmosphere as well as our own neuromusculature, including the reciprocal relationship of the brain and heart muscle.
Resonance occurs when the natural vibrational frequency of a body is amplified by vibrations (essentially shock waves) at the same frequency from another body. The earth and our human organism are in such a resonate relationship. Standing waves that resonate at SR frequencies can form in the heart and drive other resonate systems in the body.
The bifurcation of the aorta forms a resonate cavity oscillator where pressure pulses coincide in phase (Bentov). Echo and pulse leave the heart together and continue in synchrony. Amplitude increases to 3 times normal as the body moves up and down 7 times a second. When it approaches 7 Hz, a progressively amplified standing wave form is created, resonating as large oscillations that entrain body circuits. This drives the pulsation of our piezoelectric brain against the skull creating standing waves in the ventricles.
Earth’s magnetosphere is a spherical magnet. Like the brain, the plasma of Earth’s magnetosphere can be viewed as a stiff jelly that conveys subtle vibrations to all bodies within it. Our biofield couples to the isoelectric field of the planet. 7.83 range is the SR frequency compared with the micromotion of the body at 6.8 to 13 Hz. EM fields are the connecting links between the world of resonant patterns and form, a feedback pulse of information. SR actually exerts a slight pressure on the surface of the planet and its inhabitants.
Low frequency oscillations in the Earth’s magnetosphere are called magnetic micropulsation (ULF waves). There is a subtle yet pulsating disturbing force. This field and Earth’s magnetic plasma are fused. Two pulses appearing to propagate away from their origin are called Alven waves. Alven waves are only one wave mode that can propagate in a plasma. In magnetized plasma the two waves are coupled to the sound wave by the frozen in field. These waves are fast, intermediate, or slow with the slowest is closest to being a pure sound wave.
Many of the waves on Earth’s surface originate beyond the magnetosphere. Solar wind, space weather, pressure waves, foreshock, bow shock and magnetopause create ULF waves that pass through the magnetopause and propagate through the magnetosphere. Internally they interact with wave guides, cavities and field lines creating observable pulsations. Close to the ion foreshock ions in the field align and produce small amplitude 1 Hz waves, as recorded by Lonetree (2004) at .9 Hz and 1.82 Hz. 1.855 Hz also has been cited by scalar physics researcher Hodowanec (1999) as the prime cosmic resonant frequency, also noted by Schumann.
The magnetosphere itself functions as a resonant cavity and wave guide for waves that propagate through the system. These cavities resonate at discrete frequencies many of which have biological effects. The relation of magnetospheric micropulsations (Alven waves and SR) appears correlated with diurnal, circadian and other psychophysical rhythms in the human organism, in particular microvibrations.
Earth’s Magnetosphere
This leads to the hypothesis: human microvibrations are transduced from, analogous to and resonantly linked or entrained to micropulsations. Alven waves oscillate at the low end of the Delta (0.5 Hz to 4 Hz) brain wave frequency spectrum (deep dreamless sleep). In Delta the body is at rest and more susceptible to the subtle rhythm of the heart as a driver of psychophysical processes. It is well known that the brain can be driven by acoustic signals, sound and light, through the frequency-following response (Monroe). Even our DNA responds directly to biological coherent light and sound (Gariaev, 1993; Miller, Miller, Webb, 2002).
A strong 0.1 Hz signal traveling from the heart to the brain via the baroreceptor link might frequency-pull the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the ANS into this frequency range and also frequency-pull the respiratory system into the same range. It is not clear where this 0.1 Hz baroreceptor signal originates but this may be the source that pumps the initiating 0.1 Hz signal into the baroreceptor channel heading for the brainstem.
The heart drives the cranial pump, creating microvibrations. Biotherapist, Leanne Roffey says, “As to where they [microvibrations] originate, I'm pretty sure that would have to be in the "cranial pump" in our craniosacral systems. That is a hydraulic pump that can be thought of as magnetohydrodynamic. Connective tissue is very much piezoelectric, so signal is produced. Everything drives off the Cranial rhythm and there are quite a few factors, respiration included, hormones, blood flow, even perfusion, that go towards making up that sum.”
In between the cranial parts are situated the so-called cranial sutures. The cranial sutures are composed of an elastic substance connecting the various cranial parts. The cranial parts are continuously opening and closing, functioning as a pump system. This pump system takes care of the circulation of brain fluid that is located underneath the skull. The pressure caused by the pumping movement has an overall effect, reaching the tail-bone (the sacral part), and all the bones in the body. Thus, it is implicated in microvibration.
Rohracher in Vienna described the phenomenon of microvibrations in the 1950s. Microvibrations consist of oscillations in the frequency range of 7 to 13 Hz, which can be observed on the surface of the body during complete muscle relaxation. Not surprisingly, when astronauts began going into space, the absence of Earth rhythms sent their bodies out of kilter. Therefore, all missions include a generator that simulates SR frequencies for health.
Physiological coherence encompasses entrainment, resonance, and synchronization, which are all distinct but related physiological phenomena associated with more ordered and harmonious interactions among the body's systems.
From an energy medicine perspective, the heart is the most powerful electromagnetic organ serving important regulatory functions. An ongoing dialogue takes place between heart and brain. The heart’s EM field extends 12 to15 feet beyond the body, 50 times more powerful than the brain’s EEG signals.
The heart is our most powerful organ.
The heart responds directly to the environment.
The heart is the conductor of the energy of the body’s cells.
The heart is a dynamic system.
The heart is the body’s primary organizing force.
The heart resonates with information-containing energy.
The heart is the body system’s core.
The heart speaks and sends information.
All hearts exchange information with all other hearts and brains. (Pearsall)
Every cell in the body is linked by electromagnetic contact with the toroidal-shaped magnetic field of the heart, mirroring the relationship of Earth with its organisms. Heart rate mediates stress response and balance of the relaxation response. The connective tissue matrix, with it semiconducting and liquid crystal holographic structure, resonates with these field changes.
Cells are fractals embedded in a holographic energetic matrix that extends beyond the skin boundary. The body is an energetic event, a self-organizing electromagnetically unified matrix. The living matrix continuum or tissue tensegrity matrix reaches inside each and every cell, all systematically interconnected parts of the body, even more so than the nervous system.
“Contrary to prevailing neuron doctrine, the glial substrate and other perineural structures of the central nervous system, through their sensitivity to extremely low levels of electric currents and magnetic fields, may directly control brain functions. The neuronal brain is not only supported by, but modulated by, the glial brain. (Becker)
Electromagnetism has effects on the "integration of brain function" in consciousness. Becker hypothesizes that DC and low-frequency extraneuronal electric currents generated in, or transmitted by, the glial components of the brain and may be the basis of perceptual awareness.”
Fear and Trembling
Frohlich (1988) found that our bodies are primordial high-speed networks -- that vibrate continuously at light frequencies, because of huge electrical potentials and the high degree of molecular order or crystallinity in our tissues. This living matrix is a mechanical, vibrational, energetic, photonic, and informational network. Communication breakdown can lead to systems failures in microcircuitry and regulative processes.
A simple model can demonstrate that microvibrations are due to mechanical resonance. The oscillations are apparently elicited by the heartbeat. Therefore it appears that microvibrations are cardioballistic phenomena. This force is transmitted through the bones to soft tissues such as relaxed muscles. Local resonance finally leads to the oscillations.
Resonance is an important mechanism in energy healing, whether with electronic devices or energy therapists. Molecules are resonant antennas, emitting characteristic signals and responding to tiny signals of the appropriate frequencies. Once the appropriate frequency and amplitude are discovered, virtually any physiological process can be influenced with a tiny signal.
Human tremor is concentrated in the 3 to 20 Hz spectrum. Though some researchers report a spread of 6-12 Hz, Comby et al (1992) report the peak frequency of human tremor between 5.85 and 8.80 Hz, which averaged coincides closely with Schumann Resonance (7.83).
Microvibrations correspond closely with adaptation to levels of stimulation and psychological states, particularly states of ergotropic (sympathetic) and trophotrophic (parasympathetic) arousal. Tremor increases with stress and anxiety yet this very mechanism may be the key means of restoring equilibrium. “Tremor at rest” is the minimal tremor, which remains in the absence of voluntary muscular activity.
Human tremor can be measured with an instrument that connects a piezoelectric (pressure electricity) accelerometer with an electronic circuit to display the results. This signal is analyzed and converted via computer from analog to digital signal. Standardization of a tremor scale and the piezoelectric ceramic has made fabrication of an inexpensive yet satisfactory system possible for home use. Tremor can be measured from a standard measuring position and scale (Comby, 1992) and correlated with SR fluctuations. Appropriate psychophysical drivers and feedback systems can be employed to encourage resonance or entrainment for health or personal growth.
Tremor at rest can be separated from kinetic tremor, which is of much higher amplitude and has the same frequency range. The problem is partially solved by adopting a standard position, which includes "standing still" in the instructions given to the subject. However, some kinetic tremor still remains which is of much higher amplitude than tremor at rest. The best way to ensure that only tremor at rest is measured is to take into consideration only the lowest amplitude reached during the time of measurement.
Physiological tremor increases in states of anxiety or during emotional stress during which there is an increase in release of catecholamines from the adrenal medulla. Psychological stress increases tremor amplitude. Mental stress induces tremor even in healthy subjects. Panic attacks generate tremor from anxiety and psychophysical changes. Tremor can be experimentally produced in human subjects by stress-hormones such as adrenaline, coffee, tea or nicotine.
Comby’s results confirm a correlation between the impact on tremor of a relaxation session and the correlation between measured tremor and self-evaluated stress. His research links psychological stress (subjective "stress" or "nervousness") and tremor (objectively quantified).
Plasmas and Bioplasma
Plasma is the fourth state of matter (liquid, gaseous, solid). Living organisms are plasmas. Plasma physics has merged with biology; life is a highly energetic system, not just chemical processes. The optimal adaptation to receive any kind of information and relay it instantaneously to the entire mass of the system is found in plasma.
Plasma is a source of all types of waves, which feed back on the plasma and display mutual correlation. The manifestations of life may be ultimately summarized in terms of plasma and radiation. The secret of life lies in process control through small energy and with minimal noise. Plasma can be controlled only through fields, in particular magnetic fields.
The plasma approach to life points out that life is electric, however, its control takes place magnetically. Plasma is revealed by the emission of an electromagnetic field and is obedient only to this field, even a very weak one. The electronic processes of metabolism may be treated as a plasma state within the solid state of organic compounds.
Significantly, low-frequency biological rhythms display relations with the geophysical environment. The alpha rhythm of the human brain has a frequency of about 10 Hz, which is the same as the frequency of magnetohydrodynamic oscillations of the ionosphere, and of the vibrations of the Earth's crust. Magnetohydrodynamics is based on magnetic transmission over a plasma carrier. Sedlak proposes that magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) can be used to model living bioplasma.
The same frequency is found in the continuous vibrations of the entire organism's skeletal muscles in warm-blooded animals. For a human adult this frequency is 7 - 13 Hz, falling in the range of 8 - 12 Hz in 80% of subjects. The coincidence with the cerebral alpha waves lacks an explanation to date. The rhythm may be transmitted by waves through the organism as biological microvibrations.
Plasma unites in itself the phenomena of electrodynamics, electronics, and hydrodynamics, even in the absence of a fluid medium. One of the manifestations of this situation is magnetohydroydnamic waves (MHD). The wave propagation of magnetic field fluctuations in plasma is analogous to ripples in a fluid medium, accompanied by real transport of magnetic energy.
Therefore, a biological system possesses its own magnetic information, highly sensitive to external field variations and unusually responsive to spin variations in organic structure. Magnetohydrodynamic waves and weak radiation are typical electromagnetic effects of plasma.
Plasma -- the fundamental background for the processes of life -- is maintained in a constantly agitated state of generation and decay. This magnetohydrodynamic controlled state is correlated with metabolic process, such as anabolism-catabolism and oxidation. It is notably related to physiological currents and weakly luminescent effects (biophotons; bioluminescence).
What is formed is a complex signaling system -- involving electric, magnetic, optical and acoustic effects. This signaling system must operate not only on the level of single macromolecules like DNA, but also on that of groups of molecules, such as cells, tissues, organs and the organism, and above all on the level of the metabolism, as an ensemble of chemical processes.
Magnetic mechanisms control the plasma medium that has features of a conducting liquid. Here hydrodynamics combines with electrodynamics, yielding magnetohydrodynamic vibrations. The common factor of the entire system, namely the averaged-out electronic state of the metabolism, is likely a carrier and receptor of those controls. In more biological terms -- the entire metabolism is the fundamental control within a living system.
Living organisms respond to low-frequency fields. Because the separation of an electro-magnetic field into electric and magnetic vectors is an involved problem, the effects are usually attributed to the electric vector. The sensitivity of living systems to fluctuations of weak magnetic fields of planetary origin indicates that magnetic effects play an even more fundamental role.
A biological system displays not only an electronic "life" of its own, typical of protein semiconductors, but also a specific magnetic "life" endowed with a characteristic rhythm. Plasma repels magnetic field lines (or is itself repelled by them), or "freezes" field lines within itself.
Sedlak (1993) discusses how a living organism is both an information detector and generator and a transformer of electromagnetic energy. Biological systems generate their own magnetic mediums or plasma fields. A plasma responds to magnetic and electric fields, acoustic waves, mechanical action, gravitational fields, and temperature; in addition to depending on chemical composition. Plasma is the ideal carrier system of information within living organisms because it alters its own state with exceptional selectivity and responsiveness.
Bistolfi (1991) characterizes the borderline electronic-chemical reactions found in living tissue as a function of resonance. He offers a biophysical explanation for the acute sensitivity of living systems to electromagnetic influences in bioelectronic terms based on small and large groups of hydrogen bonds within molecular structures such as DNA and other nucleic acids.
Biochemical action and bioelectronic action meet at the quantum-junction. The keys to our physiology are also the keys to consciousness. Phenomena now considered esoteric may someday be explained in terms of bioelectronic interactions of energy and matter. What has been the realm of metaphysical healing may become a precise EM healing science. (Roffey)
“Understanding the nature of this correlation may enable us to characterize and further utilize various types of "healing energies". The paradigm for the application of these energies may develop into a basis for a variety of existing complementary medical practices. Integral portions of biological systems have been shown to be semiconducting, ferromagnetic and piezoelectric.
The biosemiconductor, together with the drift of charges, ions, and radicals, may be considered as a form of "bioplasma". Bioplasma may be subject to magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) control. The EM fields emitted by trained healers may be considered as coherent, resonant biomagnetic emissions by which a less coherent EM field of the patient is "tuned" to the specific frequency and phase, and through which homeostasis can be "aligned" to induce "healing".“ (Roffey)
Bioresonance: Resonant Frequency Therapies
Interactions between electromagnetic fields and living matter are pursued on three levels:
Prevention: the way electromagnetic fields influence the development of illnesses.
Diagnosis: the way endogenous bio-electric signals and weak electrical and magnetic fields of bio-molecules correlate with the state of health.
Treatment: the way biological structures and functions can be modulated by means of electromagnetic fields.
Stanford cellular biologist, Bruce Lipton characterizes the environment as awash in signals. Specific frequencies are informational signals. While the environment is in a sense "chaotic," with hundreds and thousands of simultaneously-expressed "signals," the cell can selectively read only those signals that are relevant to its existence.
Physiology reveals that most of the body's natural chemicals are released by an electrical signal or an electrochemical reaction. Can these same chemicals be released by applying an external electrical signal? Can different EM parameters stimulate different chemical systems?
Simply stated, can externally applied bioelectromagnetic fields influence cell and organismal behavior and expression? The answer is a clear, resounding, and unequivocal, YES! Through event-related synchronization and desynchronization.
Electromagnetic energy fields, which include energies in the ranges of microwaves, radio-frequencies, the visible light spectrum, ELF and even acoustic frequencies, have been shown to profoundly impact every facet of biological regulation. Specific frequencies and patterns of electromagnetic radiation regulate: cell division; gene regulation; DNA, RNA and protein syntheses; protein conformation and function; morphogenesis; bone growth, regeneration; and nerve conduction and growth.
As evidence has mounted that bioeffects of EM fields that are not only dwarfed by much larger intrinsic bioelectric processes, but may also be substantially below the level of tissue thermal noise. Theoretical and experimental studies now seek the first transductive steps. Answers to that important question are currently sought in EM field interactions with free radicals that have a role at electric power frequencies and at the other extreme in the EM spectrum in bioeffects of millimeter waves. (Adey)
If electromagnetic fields can affect enzymes and cells, there is no reason of principle why one should not expect to be able to tailor a waveform as a therapeutic agent in much the same way as one now modulates chemical structures to obtain pharmacological selectivity. The high specificity of electromagnetic signals may result in the "direct targeting" of activity, without many of the side-effects common to pharmaceutical substances.
Integrative Biophysics
We are primarily energetic and informational beings with field dependent chemical reactions. Typically, the treatment of biological effects of EM fields is restricted to ionizing radiation and membrane potentials. But Integrative Biophysics is more than a molecular-genetic approach to biology. It focuses on our intrinsic systemic holism, an inseparable whole with the environment, interconnection within and without the organism.
Professor Fritz-Albert Popp, a well-known biophysicist at Kaiserslautern University, Germany, states that:"All living organisms emit certain electromagnetic waves. If they are in a healthy condition, they emit more. If not, they emit less. This electromagnetic emission is called biophotons."
Biophotonics is a rapidly increasing field of current scientific research and applications, based on the discovery of biophotons, a permanent, weak photon current emanating from all living systems. The biophoton emission reflects some, if not all, of the essential biological and physiological activities in biological systems. Energy and information can move about the body through other means than nerve transmission and hormonal regulation via quantum coherence.
Biophotonics provides a powerful tool for investigating these electromagnetic interactions. The theoretical approach requires holistic models of living systems, rather than local analytical models. Consequently, these new insights into living matter create a new basis of "integrative biophysics" that is concerned with the questions of EM regulation, communication and organization of biological systems.
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Chouinard, Edmond (2004). “Mind-Matter Entanglement with Geomagnetic Fields”. Also, “Mind-Matter Entanglement with Telepathic Body Jerks”. MS, private correspondence with this author, 11/05/2004.
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Frohlich, H. (1988). “Biological Coherence in Response to External Stimuli”. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
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Pearsall, Paul (1998). The Heart’s Code. New York: Broadway Books.
Roffey Line, Leanne E. (1994). "The bioelectronic basis for "healing energies"; charge and field effects as a basis for complementary medical techniques", in M.J. Allen, S. F. Cleary & A.E. Sowers (eds.) Charge and Field Effects in Biosystems -- 4, pp. 480-497. Singapore: World Scientific. As of the time of this review over 150 studies of "healing energies" have been reported in which the energy parameters were specified and controlled. More than half demonstrate statistical significance, p < 0.05.
Sedlak, W. (1971). Outline of Biological Magnetohydrodynamics
Outline of Biological Magnetohydrodynamics. Wlodzimierz Sedlak, Ph.D. translated
by Leane Roffey Line, Ph.D. and Jaroslaw Kempczynski, Ph.D. First appeared (in Polish) in the journal Kosmos A (Vol. 3, 1971) and later as Chapter 9 of Sedlak's book Bioelektronika. In 1993, the article was translated into English and published as an offprint by Dr. Leane Roffey Line with permission of the Sedlak Estate.
Williamson, Samuel J., Gian-Luca Romani, Lloyd Kaufman & Ivo Modena (eds) (1983) Biomagnetism: An Interdisciplinary Approach. New York: Plenum Press.
Scr Med (Brno). 1998 Sep;71(4):165-70.
Microvibrations: an interrelation between heart beat, muscle tremor and resting muscle tone.
Gallash E1, Kenner T.
The phenomenon of microvibrations was described by Rohracher in Vienna in the 1950s. Microvibrations consist of oscillationns in the frequency range of 7 to 13 Hz which can be observed on the surface of the body during a complete muscle relaxation. We had the opportunity to study the changes of microvibrations and physiological tremor under the condition of weightlessness in the Russian Space Station MIR during the so called "Austromir" project and the following Russian long term flights including the record flight of cosmonaut Polyakow. The recordings have been made by accelerometers from the body surface. It was found that during wieghtlessness the typical 7 to 13 Hz oscillations disappeared as well from microvibrations as from physiological tremor. By the application of a simple model it can be shown that microvibrations are due to mechanical resonance. The oscillations are apparently elicited by the heart beat. Therefore it appears that microvibrations are cardioballistic phenomena. It can be shown that cardioballistic forces are transmitted by osseous structures to soft tissues like e.g. relaxed muscles. Local resonance finally leads to the oscillations as mentioned above. From the model calculations we conclude that the relaxation is much more pronounced during weightlessness. Thus, resonance is abolished in the frequency region mentioned above. On the ground even during muscle relaxation there is still some muscle tone with an elastic component which under this condition permits the generation of resonance phenomena. Our results permit a new interpretation of microvibrations. Furthermore, the results may have importance for the interpretation of the generation of certain pathological forms of tremor.
PMID:11542499 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Microvibrations: an interrelation between heart beat, muscle tremor and resting muscle tone.
Gallash E1, Kenner T.
The phenomenon of microvibrations was described by Rohracher in Vienna in the 1950s. Microvibrations consist of oscillationns in the frequency range of 7 to 13 Hz which can be observed on the surface of the body during a complete muscle relaxation. We had the opportunity to study the changes of microvibrations and physiological tremor under the condition of weightlessness in the Russian Space Station MIR during the so called "Austromir" project and the following Russian long term flights including the record flight of cosmonaut Polyakow. The recordings have been made by accelerometers from the body surface. It was found that during wieghtlessness the typical 7 to 13 Hz oscillations disappeared as well from microvibrations as from physiological tremor. By the application of a simple model it can be shown that microvibrations are due to mechanical resonance. The oscillations are apparently elicited by the heart beat. Therefore it appears that microvibrations are cardioballistic phenomena. It can be shown that cardioballistic forces are transmitted by osseous structures to soft tissues like e.g. relaxed muscles. Local resonance finally leads to the oscillations as mentioned above. From the model calculations we conclude that the relaxation is much more pronounced during weightlessness. Thus, resonance is abolished in the frequency region mentioned above. On the ground even during muscle relaxation there is still some muscle tone with an elastic component which under this condition permits the generation of resonance phenomena. Our results permit a new interpretation of microvibrations. Furthermore, the results may have importance for the interpretation of the generation of certain pathological forms of tremor.
PMID:11542499 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]