7 th Sahasrar - Crown Chakra
172.06 Hz The tone of the platonic year
supports cheerfulness and clarity of spirit
6th Ajna - Brow Chakra
221.23 Hz The tone of Venus
Balance between intellect and intuition
5 th Vishudda - Throat Chakra
141.27 Hz The tone of Mercury
supports intelligent communication
4 th Anahata - Heart Chakra
136.10 Hz The tone of the Earth's year
relaxing, soothing, balancing
3rd Manipura - Solar Plexus
126.22 Hz The Sun-tone
Planetware > The Tones of the Sewn Chaio'"as
advances the feeling of centering of the magic
2 ndMuladhara-NavelChakra
210-42 Hz The tone of the synodic moon
supports erotic communication
1 st MiIladhara - Root Chakra
194.18 HzThe tone ofthe Earth's day
dynamic, vitalizing
7/19/13 432hz Vs 528hz- Which Healing Frequency Should You Use?
The numbers 432 and 528 have deep ancient cosmological meanings and connotations. They are
also both vitally important in universal construction . Victor Shovvell, math scientist, has discovered some
interesting relationships betvveen those 2 unique numbers. The first simple association is:
528 + 432 = 960
528 - 432 = 96
Let's take look at the other:
432/528 = 0.81 81 81 81 81-
1 + {432 / 528} = 1.81 81 81 81-
432/ 1.81 81 81 81- = 237.6 x 10 = 2376 = 4 x 756 (Khufu pyramid base length in feet)
It has been proven that 432Hz and 528Hz are woven together mathematically. Simple calculations show that
they both give key numbers for universal construction :
528 /432 = -1.2
4320 x 1.2 = 5184 = 72 squared
4320 / 1.2 = 3600
Both 432Hz and 528Hz have many interesting relationships \Nith the Universe. For example:
528/6 (the number of main Solfeggio tones) = 88
It takes 88 Earth days for Mercury to complete an orbit of the Sun. And, as you may already know,Mercury is named the "winged messenger of the gods." 432 / [528/432] = 360
The circle is 360 degrees, the expression 'do not fear' is used 360 times in the Bible (according to Pastor Richard Wurmbrand), 360 years equals one divine year in Hindu mythology. 360 reduces to 3 + 6 + 0 = 9. John Keely, an expert in electromagnetic technologies, wrote that the vibrations of "thirds, sixths, and ninths, were extraordinarily powerful." The major Toltec complex of Teotihuacan in Mexico has used the great Pyramid of the Sun with a base total of 864 STU (Standard Teotihuacan Units), which is double the number 432. Each side of the Pyramid of the attuned\ibrations.com'432hz-V3-52Bhz1 ½ 7/19113 432hz Vs 528hz - Which Healing Freq uency Should You Use?
Sun is 216 STU, which is precisely half of 432, or 3 x 72. The STU was the Toltec measure unit and, as is related in their myths, was passed to them by the gods from the stars. It is readily apparent from a simple mathematical analysis that A=444Hz [C(5)=528Hz] and A=432Hz are harmonically related. The harmony can be proven by simply subtracting 432 from 444. It yields 12; where 1 + 2 = 3 in Pythagorean math. If we take 528 and subtract 444, then we can also get 12 or 3. Next, let's take
528 and subtract 432 to get 96; where 9 + 6 = 15; and 1 + 5 = 6.
This result is identical to 5 + 2 + 8 = 15 or 6. These sets of numbers: 3s, 6s, 9s and 8s are always
exclusively represented by these special natural pure tones, their scales, and their harmonics. This is
precisely what Leonardo da Vinci's mentors emphasized about cosmic scales and mathematics.
attuned\.1 brati ons.com'432hz-IIS-528hz1 212
In Healing Codes for the Biological apocalypse Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and
Dr. Joseph S. Puleo published the Secret Solfeggio Frequencies. Basically it is
the "Doe, Rae, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Doe" diatonic scale which we allleam in the
fIrst few grades of school.
Over time, the pitch of this diatonic scale has changed and somehow Horowitz
and Puleo found the original pitch frequencies.
In the Solfeggio, "Ti" is missing and what we call "Doe" was known as "Ut".
Here are the original pitch frequencies of these six notes:
1. Ut = 396Hz which reduces to 9 [reducing numbers: 3+9 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3 ;
3+ 6 = 9]
2. Re = 417Hz which reduces to 3
3. Mi = 528Hz which reduces to 6
4. Fa = 639Hz which reduces to 9
5. Sol = 741Hz which reduces to 3
6. La = 852Hz which reduces to 6
They also state that Mi is for "Miracles" or 528Hz - is the exact frequency used
by genetic engineers throughout the world to repair DNA.
Another interesting tidbit that the authors included as a musical scale with
words, from the work of John Keely; where Keely related the hues (not
pigment colors) of light related to musical notes. On the "G-Clef" with "C"
being the fIrst line below the staff and continuing up the scale and up the staff:
C = Red = Tonic
D = Orange = Super Tonic
E = Yellow = Mediant
F = Green = Sub Dominant
G = Blue = Dominant
A = Indigo = Super Dominant, Sub Mediant
B = Violet = Leading Tone, Sub Tonic
C = Red = Octave
Also included with this chart was another from the Dinshah Health Society:
Red = 397.3Hz Closest Note: G = 392Hz
Orange = 430.8 Closest Note: A = 440
Yellow = 464.4 Closest Note: A# = 466
Lemon = 497.9 Closest Note: B = 494
Green = 431.5 Closest Note: C = 523
Turquoise = 565.0 Closest Note: C# = 554
Blue = 598.6 Closest Note: D = 587
Indigo = 632.1 Closest Note: D# = 622
Violet = 665.7 Closest Note: E = 659
Purple = 565.0 (reverse polarity) Closest Note: A# and E = 562 (both reverse
Magenta = 531.5 (reverse polarity) Closest Note: G and E =525 (both reverse
Scarlet = 497.9 (reverse polarity) Closest Note: G# and D = 501 (both reverse
From www.1ightwithin.com this additional information is gleaned:
The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include:
UT - 396 Hz - Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE - 417 Hz - Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
MI - 528 Hz - Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA - 639 Hz - ConnectinglRelationships
SOL - 741 Hz - Awakening Intuition
LA - 852 Hz - Returning to Spiritual
The basic
Solfeggio frequencies totaled six (6). Horowitz continued his search through the years and extended it to 9 frequencies. 'Most everyone IS familiar with the Star of
David which uses two triangles. (inverted to each other) inscribed within a circle. If one uses the same approach for three triangles overlapping (no inversions) and space them approximately 40 degrees apart around a circle, some amazing relationships appear. Orient the circle with one triangle apex at North or zero degrees. Label that 396. At the next clockwise point label 417, the next 528, the next 639, the next 741 and the last 852. You now have the basic six Solfeggio frequencies. The numbers we have so far added to our circle of numbers have a pattern to them: Any number connected by a line, for example 396 and 639, if you take the smaller number and move the last digit to the fIrst position, you have
created the line-linked number. [move the 6 of396 to the front and you have
639] Likewise 417 by moving the 7 creates 741, both numbers are line linked.
And 528 by moving the 8 creates 852 both numbers line linked.
As created so far, we have 3 missing numbers, but they can easily be created by applying this moving of digits positions. Take the triangle that has 396 and 639. Ifwe take the 9 and move it to the first position we have 963, which is one of the extended Solfeggio frequencies! Thusly we can now continue the circle one
more position by adding 963. Applying this same logic to the 417 and 741 triangle to fill in the missing number we move the 1 to the first position to develop 174 which is another extended Solfeggio number. Continuing clockwise add 174 to the number sequence. And the 528 and 852 triangle if we move the 2 to the first position we have 285, the final missing extended Solfeggio number. So elegantly simple. Take a piece of paper and lightly grid it off for a large "tic-tac-toe" game. Across the top place the smallest number in the upper left comer; continue horizontally with the line-linked (triangle) numbers 417, 741. In the middle line, left position place the second in clockwise numbering (285), continue horizontally with its line-linked numbers 528, 852. The last horizontal line starts 396 and continues 639, 963. Now for some surprises. Compute the
difference between all the vertical row numbers; they are all Ill . Compute the differences between the horizontal row numbers; left row and center row all = 243 and center row to right row differences are all 324. And here we go again with the move the last digit to the first position move the 3 of 243 to the front and we have 324.